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TICKET: Live Events!

Regular price
$6.25 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$6.25 USD
Tax included.

The first type of event is a planning event, where the Noelle examines various astrological factors for the upcoming month, and provides valuable insights and guidance on how to navigate the energies at play.

The second type of event is a learning event, where participants explore three general astrology topics in depth, enhancing their understanding of astrological concepts and techniques.

For both types of events, group participation is highly encouraged, but not mandatory, creating a supportive and inclusive environment. Attendees also have ample opportunities to ask specific questions about their natal charts and transits, allowing for personalized insights and guidance from Noelle, an experienced astrologer.

Whether it's learning about planetary transits, exploring the houses, or understanding aspects, these live group astrology events are an enriching and empowering experience for astrology enthusiasts of all levels of knowledge and experience.

You can see the workshop portion of some past events on the Learn-ium page, or on YouTubeHope to see you there! :)


  1. Purchase your ticket on the website (here)
  2. Wait for an email! The link to the the meeting is sent out in at least two emails before the event. Emails are sent to to monthly subscribers and "ticket holders" (one-time attendees), and the list is updated before each event. The first email will be sent no later than 24-hours before the scheduled event. The link to the meeting is also posted on Google Classroom, where other resources are available for Monthly Subscribers.
  3. Get your sidereal birth chart ready! Watch this video to find out how: Noelle G. explains how to get a sidereal birth chart.


  • Nothing said at the live events takes the place of medical, psychological, or financial advice. 
  • Astrology is a wide field with many specialties; if it is discovered that Noelle cannot help you, or is not a good fit, she will be sure to refer you to a trusted peer. 
  • Astrology in the West is not practiced as a religion, and although spiritual topics are common, Noelle is not a religious practitioner.